Creative Ability

My Creative Ability is both physical and spiritual.

My Physical Creativity is determined by:

  1. My power to materialise objects and possessions, which requires money. With enough money, I can materialise anything physically.
  2. My authority to manifest things, which requires knowledge. With enough know-how, I can manifest anything physically.
  3. My ability to manufacture goods, which requires status. With enough status, I can manufacture anything physically.

My Spiritual Creativity is determined by:

  1. My power to visualise. With enough power, I can see my purpose, which is who I am being.
  2. My authority to idealise. With enough authority, I can know my vision, which is why I am here.
  3. My ability to realise. With enough ability, I can realise my mission, which is what I have come here to do.

When I know who I am and why I am here, I can realise my own life and make my own life a reality.

I have the ability to create my own Life, not just obtain the props, gadgets, toys and attachments that I believe that I need in my life.