Three Creative Attributes

Creative Attributes are attributable to being a Creator.

Three Creative Attributes are Being Present, Being Potent & Being Scient.

Creative Attributes are intuitive attainments, which means that I attain them and attribute them to my Self, intuitively.

  • I intuitively see, when I am being present
  • I intuitively know, when I am being scient
  • I intuitively feel, when I am being potent

Potency is the emotional feeling of attractive power. It is the power of attraction that I intuitively feel.

Scients is the mental knowing that my authority is attractive and my attraction is authorised. It is the authority of attraction that I intuitively know, without any prior knowledge.

Presence is the ability to see my creativity enabled. Creative attraction is enabled in the present moment of my presence.

The force and magnitude of my creative potential is the medium through which attraction is evident. I intuitively see my creative potential when I intuitively know the attractive force of my mental authority and I intuitively feel the magnitude of my attractive emotional power.

Being potent allows my emotional power to be creatively empowered with effortless flow.

Being scient allows my mental authority to creatively flow with inspiration.

Being present allows my physical ability to creatively experience my creative creations.

My Soul is my creative Genie. When I am being soul-like, I connect with the creative genius of my imagination. My imagination is the creative genius of my Soul.

My ego sense of Self visualises with a limited knowledge learned from past experience and projects it into a possible future. A visualisation of the future based on a limited knowledge of the past has no presence of mind to be intuitively attractive. My visualisation of the future, based on my limited knowledge of the past, disconnects the presence of my imagination. My intellectual knowledge of the past disconnects in the present, my intuitive knowing what is in my future.

My inability to physically touch what is not yet present in my reality, disconnects my feeling of being a powerful creator. A powerful creator has no feeling of absence or feeling of need, just a feeling of being powerfully, attractively potent.

An authorised creator intuitively knows that they are attractively scient and an enabled creator intuitively sees when they are actively present.

I intuitively see how my creativity has presence when I imagine my creation to be already present and already presented.

I intuitively know my creation is being created when I imagine that I am being scient.

I intuitively feel the power of my creativity when I imagine that I am feeling potent.

When I am unable to attribute my potency to my Self, I am uncreative, unimaginative & unattractive.

When I am unable to attribute my scients to my Self, I have no knowledge of my creatively inspired authority.

When I am unable to attribute presence to my Self, I am unable to access the creative ability of my insightful imagination.