The Fruit Tree

The Fruit Tree raises fruit and raises trees and raises many questions about life.

  • Is Fruit an affect of a Tree or a creation of a Tree?
  • Does a Tree create its Fruit or does its Fruit create a Tree?
  • Is a Fruit the cause of a Tree or is a Tree the cause of its Fruit?
  • Does a Fruit grow on a Tree or does a Tree grow Fruit?
  • Is a Fruit still part of a Tree when it is apart from the Tree?
  • Does a Fruit die so its seed may live or does a Fruit exist so that its seed may live?
  • Does the Tree grow the seed, does the seed grow the Tree or is there another source of growth?
  • Is a Wood full of trees or is a Tree full of wood?
  • Does the Tree seed the Wood or does the Wood seed the Tree?
  • Does the Fruit benefit the Tree, the Seed, the Wood, or something else?