The Poor Me

The Poor Me is the victim of someone else’s fears and beliefs.

By making themselves a victim of someone else’s actions, they seek the emotional energy of sympathy from others.

The more the poor me can become the hero of their own victimhood, the more emotional energy they can gain from their drama.

The poor me has a great deal of emotional energy invested in being the victim of their own life.

They believe that they are the victim of whatever is occurring in their life.

Poor me’s need to become very strong emotionally in order to survive the extent of their own victimhood.

The more their emotional energy becomes depleted the more they will seek to become a bigger and bigger victim of life to justify their lack of energy.

The more depleted my emotional energy becomes, the more I become a victim of my life, poor me.

Prime examples of a poor me are a Hypochondriac and someone who is Clinically Obese.

Both of these examples tend to attract bullies because a poor me always attracts an intimidator, who always attracts a poor victim to intimidate.