The Drama of the Intimidator

The Drama of the Intimidator is Arrogance.

Arrogance is:

  • Pride without humility
  • Greed without humbleness
  • Wrath without meekness
  • Anger without patience
  • The Vanity of false self-worth
  • The Assertiveness of false self-confidence
  • The Will-power of false self-esteem
  • The Hubris of old-fashioned pride
  • The Avarice of old-fashioned greed
  • The Bigotry of old-fashioned wrath

I cannot have too much self-confidence, but I can have too much arrogance.

  • Arrogance with wrath is false self-confidence
  • Arrogance with greed is false self-worth
  • Arrogance with pride is false self-esteem

Arrogance is the confidence that I have in my ego self. With the confidence of my ego self, I become egotistical and arrogant.

My Self can only be truly confident when I confide in my True Self – my Soul & Inner Coach.

My Soul is Truly Confident with no degree of arrogance or humbleness that over-balances the other.

The Drama of the Intimidator always creates a Poor Me: