Control Dramas

Control Dramas are how we compete for energy with other people.

Control Dramas are our sub-conscious way of gaining power from and over other people.

How we control the energy that flows between people is a sub-conscious drama that is learned from an early age.

Control Dramas are either passive or active and either introvert or extrovert.

Introverts who passively control energy are ‘Aloof’.

Extroverts who passively control energy are ‘Interrogators’.

Introverts who actively control energy are ‘Poor Me’s’.

Extroverts who actively control energy are ‘Intimidators’.

The energy of the Intimidator is high intensity, male gender with a negative polarity.

The energy of the Interrogator is low intensity, female gender with a negative polarity.

The energy of the Poor Me is high intensity, female gender with a negative polarity.

The energy of the Aloof is low intensity, male gender with a negative polarity.

Like intensities are attracted to opposing genders with similar polarities.

Therefore an Interrogator will attract an Aloof and an Intimidator will attract a Poor Me.

Once we balance the intensity, unite the gender and neutralise the polarity of our energy, we will no longer attract control dramas in our Life.