Victims, Villains & Heroes

All Heroes are potential Villains.

All Villains are potential Victims.

Villains become the victim of the heroes heroic action.

Heroes become the villain of the villain’s victimhood.

Heroes, villains & victims are all roles played out in the drama of conflict, intimidation and revenge.

In the control drama of the ‘intimidator & the poor me’, there is always a villain, the intimidator, and a poor me, the victim.

The hero rescues the victim from their assailant by intimidating the villain and making them a victim of the heroes heroic action.

Victims, Villains and Heroes are all potential heroes, villains or victims because they all share the same energy vibration.

Whether I am being the victim, victimising a victim or saving a victim from being victimised, I am participating in the same drama of victimhood.

A True Hero is one who overcomes their own Victimhood.

My True Hero is my Saviour – My Soul.

I am never a victim of my Soul and my Soul is never a victim of anything.