The Intimidator

The Intimidator is a victim of their own fear.

Their fear is created by their false and limiting beliefs about their life.

Their false, negative fears create a state of low emotional energy.

The Intimidator seeks to victimise the cause of their low emotional energy.

As they do not see their own beliefs as the cause of their energy drain, they seek to find the villain that they believe is victimising them.

The motto of the intimidator is “the best form of defence is attack”.

They will attack anyone who they believe is draining their energy or they believe can and will drain their energy.

Never intimidate an intimidator because they recognise their own drama and will react accordingly.

Prime examples of an intimidator are the ‘School Bully’ and the ‘Autocratic Dictator’.

All intimidators are emotional Poor Me’s.

With enough emotional energy, I have no need or inclination to attack anyone and no need to defend myself from the intimidation of others.