Unity Consciousness

Unity Consciousness is synonymous with Christ Consciousness, Sovereign Consciousness, 5th Dimensional Consciousness & Oneness.

Attaining Unity Consciousness, in a three dimensional physical world, is the spiritual equivalent of graduation. When I graduate to the level of Unity Consciousness, I attain the ultimate level of Personal Creativity, within this 3 dimensional physical realm. I attain the highest level of being Spiritual, whilst remaining anchored, earthed & grounded in physical reality. This allows my Self to be separate-in-togetherness with my Soul, whilst personally creating & experiencing my own ideal version of reality.

It is my vision and my life’s purpose to create my own unique version of a beneficial, divine & ideal experience of life in physical form. Life on this physical world called Earth is an ideal experience because it allows the evolution of the Soul to attain a level of Divine Consciousness. A Divine Spiritual Consciousness, like all other spiritual attributes, is only attainable through a personal physical, mental & emotional experience. This spiritual experience is called Paradise, Shangrila or Heaven on Earth.

Unity Consciousness is attained with the unification of a divided or segmented consciousness, originally perceived to allow a relative experience of a dual reality world of choice. This requires a personal choice to:

  • Bring the conscious, sub-conscious & super-conscious perspectives into the alignment of one Mind, called Oneness
  • Overcome every dual reality dilemma with a third choice of a beneficial triune reality, called Sovereignty
  • Attain the inner peace of no problematic physical dramas, no emotional trauma and no mental fear, called Christ the Saviour

When I unify my Self with my Soul, I am unifying my Self with all other Souls, as there is no division or separation at the level of the Soul Entity. I can only be at One with All That Is, with the attainment of Unity Consciousness. In Holy Communion with the Soul, each Self is in absolute union with every other Individual who has attained Unity Consciousness.

“Unity Consciousness is the destiny of every Individual’s Life Journey“

By the Law of Attraction, I only ever resonate with others of a like energy vibration. I can only be in mental accord, emotional harmony and physical likeness, with others of the same spiritual qualities, attributes & attainments. I cannot be at one and resonate with any impure divisive energetic states of being, and attribute Unity Consciousness to my Self.

The paradox is that the Oneness of Unity Consciousness is uniquely attained on a personal, individual & exclusive spiritual life journey through physical reality, as One’s Soul-Self.