
Consciousness is Thought. It is not physical.

Thought is a mental energy. Physical reality is the consequence of   Consciousness or Thought.

Without Thought, without Consciousness, reality cannot exist.

Thought is Consciousness experiencing itself.

My Self is the physical aspect of me that I am experiencing.

My Soul is the Spiritual Consciousness that is aware of who I am.

My Self thinks that it is the physical Being that I perceive with my conscious mind.

I know that I am a Consciousness that is Supra-conscious.

My Supra-conscious Mind is a Triality of my conscious mind, my sub-conscious mind and my super-conscious mind.

Being physically conscious (perceiving reality with my conscious mind) is only a small percentage of my Total Consciousness.

It is not that I am only using a small percentage of my brain but that my brain is only processing a small percentage of my reality as conscious thought.