Thoughts & Memories

Thoughts and Memories are not the same thing.

With no distinction between thoughts and memories, I have no distinction between my mind and my brain.

Thoughts are a creation of my mind.

Memories are a function of my brain.

My brain stores past experiences as a memory.

My brain processes past experiences and projects them into a future reality, which allows choice.

Without memories and the contrast of past and future, choice could not exist.

My brain receives thoughts and transmits thoughts. It processes thoughts but is not capable of creating thoughts.

Creating original thoughts is not the same as making choices.

My Mind is the state of Pure Consciousness that is creative. It is my Creator.

My Soul is connected to Pure Consciousness and Original Thought.

My Self is the experiencer that chooses the reality that is created by Pure Thought.

Memories facilitate the reproduction of old experiences.

Thought creates the possibility of an expansive new experience.