Thinking & Knowing

When I am Thinking, my brain is processing memories of past information and data.

When I am Knowing, I am connecting to the creativity of my mind.

I become conscious of the memories that I have stored in my sub-conscious when I think.

I do not think thoughts. I think memories and choices.

I know thoughts. When I connect to a new thought, I just know.

The act of knowing a thought brings it into my reality and allows that thought to manifest and to become created in reality. With enough power, I make it real.

My sub-conscious memories allow me to think. Thinking is the process of reviewing past experiences. Without a memory, I would act without thinking.

My super-conscious thoughts are my source of knowing what is right for my Self.

Knowing is my intuitive ability to create my ideal life.

I can choose whether to think about a future that is a projection of my past experiences, or I can know what is perfect in the present moment for my Self.

Searching my sub-conscious memory for new experiences is pointless. I will only find different ways of experiencing old experiences.

Revealing a new perspective on life is realising a new experience of life, which with sufficient inspiration will manifest as my reality.

Thinking focuses my attention on reproducing the past.

Knowing focuses my attention on creating my present in the future.