Thinking & Thought

Thinking & Thought are not the same thing.

Thinking is the act of recalling information from my memory and processing information that I am receiving from my senses.

Thinking is:

  • Processing memories
  • Consulting beliefs
  • Analysing data
  • Deducing outcomes
  • Predicting future events
  • Making choices based on knowledge
  • Discerning what is right or wrong by judgement

Thinking is the process of communication with or as my ‘lower’ sub-conscious Self.

Thought is a communication from my or as my ‘higher’ super-conscious Soul.

It is my Soul’s directive as to whom ”Thou ought’ to Be.

A Thought is:

  • An Intuition
  • An Inspiration
  • A Revelation
  • A Knowing
  • A Message
  • A Prophetic Word

It is the act of not thinking, called meditation, that allows clarity of thought.

Thinking and thought appear to be the same thing because they are both processed by my brain.

Both thinking and thought derive from different aspects of my Mind.