Remember, Remind, Reprogramme

Other people remind me, when I have forgotten what they wish me to remember. I have become programmed by other people’s beliefs, standards and boundaries.

I Remember what is stored in my sub-conscious memory.

I Remind my Self when I Remember what is stored in my super-conscious mind.

When I Remind my Self of my Truth, I am required to Reprogramme my truth into my sub-conscious memory, otherwise I will forget and I will need to be reminded in future.

Once I have Reminded my Self of my Truth and Reprogrammed my Truth my Self, I will then Remember my Truth that I had once forgotten.

Memories are programmed into my sub-conscious memory as programmes.

These programmes become the beliefs and the standards that determine my behaviour.

When I am unable to Remember to choose my Truth, I need to Remind my Self of my Truth and then Reprogramme my Truth, so that my behaviour is always an expression of my Truth.