Consciousness Explained

There are 3 levels of Consciousness:

1. The Sub-Conscious Id
2. The Conscious Ego
3. The Super-Conscious Entity

Each level of Consciousness has 3 potentials:

1. Its Power of Love
2. Its Authority of Light
3. Its Ability of Life

Each potential of Consciousness can be measured as:

1. The Competence or Clarity of its power
2. The Capacity or Direction of its authority
3. The Capability or Presence of its ability

Each measure of Consciousness is relative to its polar opposite:

1. Its Incompetence when confused
2. Its Incapacity when lost
3. Its Incapability when frustrated

All of which can be Individually experienced:

1. Emotionally
2. Mentally
3. Physically

This determines or explains the Spirituality or spiritual reality of the Consciousness.