Four Levels of Mental Capacity

There are Four Levels of Mental Capacity:

1. Unconscious Incapacity

This is my unawareness of how my fears and limiting beliefs are disallowing my experience of an ideal life.

I don’t know that I don’t know.

2. Conscious Incapacity

This is becoming aware of what I don’t know and aware that I am convicted by my beliefs and imprisoned by my fears.

I know that I don’t know.

3. Conscious Capacity

This is my willingness to challenge my beliefs and change the beliefs that challenge me until I own my own core beliefs.

I know what I know to be true.

4. Unconscious Capacity

This is my capacity to hear my messages of inspired revelation and accept the guidance of my inner authority, in the knowing that whatever is occurring is beneficial to allowing my path to unfold effortlessly and miraculously.

I know that I don’t know that I do know.