Four Levels of Physical Capability

There are 4 levels of physical capability that are determined by the level of my emotional competence and the level of my mental capacity.

1. Unconscious Incapability

I am unaware of my personal standards and I have no awareness of my boundaries.

I have no way of measuring the limits of my physical capability.

What I don’t see, I don’t get.

2. Conscious Incapability

I am aware of my conscious limitations, my comfort zone, and the boundaries of my physical incapability.

I know what I am capable of.

I see what I don’t get.

3. Conscious Capability

I own my own standards, I consistently expand my boundaries, and I know the limit of my present capability.

I have fully grounded my present potential.

I see what I see and I get what I see.

4. Unconscious Capability

I attest & approve my competence, affirm & allow my capacity and I accept & allow my capability.

Life unfolds effortlessly, magically & Ideally.

I see my Vision for my Life.