The Five Trees In Paradise

The Five Trees In Paradise appear in the Gospel of Thomas “#19”.

It is an allegory of Jesus that explains that whoever attains the 5 levels of Consciousness will overcome the duality of life & death.

With all five levels of Consciousness in alignment, life is absolutely ideal.

Absolute choice allows each level to operate autonomously with very interesting outcomes that can be less than ideal.

Paradise is synonymous with an ideal life.

Jesus adds that the five trees do not change with summer or winter and their leaves do not fall.

This is to say that from an absolute perspective all five levels exist at once and for all time, simultaneously, connectedly & continuously.

The five trees are a symbol of the five levels from which life can be perceived with five uniquely different perspectives:
The Physical Id – the Sub-conscious
The Physical Ego – the Conscious
The Spiritual Ego – the Super-conscious
The Spiritual Entity – the Supra-conscious
The One – God Consciousness

As a physical Human Being, I am only conscious of the perspective of my physical ego sense of Self.