The Perspective of the One

The Perspective of the One is Oneness.

Oneness is the Singularity of All That Is.

It is without Individuality.

It is the Divinity of the Divine One.

It is the Ultimate Intention.

The ultimate intention is the Divine Plan to experience Divinity through the physical & spiritual experience of its Conscious & Unconscious States of Beingness.

The Divine seeks to experience its own Divinity through four distinct aspects of its Self.

Its sub-conscious physical Self – the Id.
Its conscious physical Self – the Ego.
Its super-conscious spiritual Self – the Soul or spirit ego.
Its supra-conscious spiritual Entity.

When all four levels of Consciousness come into alignment they co-operate as One and become at one with the singularity of Oneness.

From the perspective of Oneness, One is All & All is One and One is All That Is, all that was and all that ever will be.