Three Dimensional Consciousness

Physical Consciousness is one dimensional, it is awake.

Two dimensional consciousness is either awake or asleep.

Being conscious whilst asleep is called dreaming. Daydreaming is focusing consciousness out of physical reality whilst awake. I am conscious of my dream reality whilst asleep, whether I remember or not when I become awake.

Spiritual Consciousness is three dimensional. It is awake, alert & aware.

A Spiritual Being in three dimensional reality has a physical dimension called a body, a mental dimension called a mind and an emotional dimension called a heart. My Heart is the emotional source of my experience, my Mind is the mental source of my experience and my Body is the physical source of my experience.

From another perspective, the spiritual realm comprises a physical material plane, an emotional etheric plane and a mental astral plane. As a spiritual Being, I exist on all three planes and in all three dimensions, simultaneously; even though my consciousness may not be fully focused three dimensionally.

When I am one dimensionally focused on the physical plane, I am awake. When I am intuitively connected to the astral plane, I am spiritually connected and alert to my inspired messages of direction & guidance. When I am intuitively feeling the etheric plane, I am spiritually aware of my empowered clarity & support. When I am physically awake, intuitively alert and seeing with conscious-awareness, I am connected to all three levels or dimensions of my Spiritual Essence.

I cannot experience my three dimensional consciousness with just my physical senses. It requires three dimensions of intuition to be spiritually awake, alert and aware.

I am an energetic Being experiencing a physical reality of my own choice. Mental consciousness and emotional awareness allow my spiritual conscious-awareness, whilst in physical reality.

When disconnected from the source of my spirituality, my Soul, I am only conscious of my physical existence because I am only using my five physical senses. It is my five physical senses that energise my Physical Consciousness, which is my consciousness of physical reality. I am conscious of what I physically sense with my sight, my hearing, my taste, my smell & my touch.

Physical Consciousness is the effect that is caused through the experience of my physical senses.

Spiritual Awareness is the effect that is caused through the experience of my three intuitive senses. I intuitively know my connection with my super-conscious mind, I intuitively feel my connection with my super-conscious heart and I intuitively see with my super-conscious imagination.

When my super-conscious Mind is alert and my super-conscious Heart is aware, I awaken my super-conscious Soul to the existential experience of its True Self.