
Conscience is a sense of what is right & true for one’s Self. It is a guidance system that aligns the Self with its true & chosen path. My true conscience aligns my Self with my Soul.

Every guidance system has a direction, called a polarity. Polarity is a choice of positive or negative direction, which is either right or wrong, true or false, for every Individual.

Conscience can be guided by:

  • Collective sub-conscious instinct
  • Individual super-conscious intuition

When my conscience is sub-conscious instinctive guidance, it tells me what I believe that I shouldn’t, mustn’t & ought not to do because I haven’t got permission from other people. It is a moral compass that guides me to to stay within the boundaries of what my society believes to be ethical & right for me. We are all sub-consciously programmed from birth with the principle beliefs of our family, the moral standards of our religion and the ethical boundaries of our society.

My conscience reminds me of the boundaries of other people’s standards that they have collectively determined to be right for me. This is a negatively polarised conscience that limits my choices to what other people determine is acceptable for me.

I have a crisis of conscience when what I know to be true for my Self is in contrast or conflict with what others believe is right for them.

My true conscience is intuitive, not instinctive. It is my super-conscious Soul that is my true guidance and my wise support, which aligns my Self on my chosen path through life. True conscience is omniscient and intuitively all knowing of what is right & true for my Self. It contradicts the principle science of ethical morality.