Distinctions of Coaching

There are two distinct aspects of Life Coaching:

Physical Life Coaching has the goal of achieving the wants and desires of my ego, which are:

  • To get what ever I need emotionally
  • To have whatever I need materially
  • To achieve whatever I believe that I need to achieve
  • To learn knowledge to attain status
  • To attain status to earn money
  • To earn money to gain power
  • To tolerate this physical existence safely, securely and comfortably

Spiritual Life Coaching has the intention of attaining the Passions of my Soul, which are:

  • To live my vision, mission & purpose
  • To do what I truly value
  • To attain Happiness, Well-being & Expansiveness
  • To attest to my Power, affirm my Authority & acknowledge my Ability
  • To be Healthy, Wealthy & Wise; Content, Fulfilled & Joyful
  • To have Presence, Clarity & Direction
  • To allow what I have, approve of who I am being and accept whatever turns up in my life as a gift