I Can Do

I Can Do anything that I put my mind to, depends on which mind I put to it.

Doing anything requires ability.

The conscious mind is just the observer of the experience of an action.

It is the sub-conscious mind that acquires the ability & the skill to act consciously & instinctively.

My sub-conscious mind first learns a skill & then through conscious practice I learn to master the skill.

All physical skills enable capability.

My capability to do, requires both mental capacity & emotional competence.

Emotional competence is a super-conscious attribute.

Emotional power is relative to super-conscious authority.

Super-conscious power comes with the true value of mastering a skill with an attainment.

Without the authority of the super-conscious mind, the power to continuously practice a skill relies on the efforts of the conscious will.

I can do what my Soul inspires & empowers its Self to do effortlessly, expansively & masterfully.