Coaching the Client

Coaching the Client is the only way to coach.

The Coachee is always the client.

They cannot be a Third Party that is nominated by the client.

Coaching someone else is never a solution to my problem.

Problem-solving is a management skill, not a Coaching Skill.

When the Coach is drawn into problem-solving, they are trying to manage the problem for the client, which is consultancy not Coaching.

Goal-setting and problem-solving are not the same thing.

When the client’s goals involve manipulating a third party, they will necessarily fail.

When the client believes that their problem is the creation of a third party, they will not find a lasting resolution.

Coaching the Client involves hearing what the client’s real issue is, seeing what the client is creating as their own reality, and knowing what path the client is required to follow for their own personal development.

Personal development is never attained by trying to change someone else.

Changing other people is the goal of someone who is determined to get their own way but is not committed to their own personal development.

Coaching facilitates the development of the client, never a third party.