I Can Have

I Can Have whatever I imagine to be mine.

Whatever I can imagine is already mine, has the ability to manifest into my conscious reality.

As time is relative to space & power is relative to authority, where & when it materialises is the question?

My ability to manifest the dreams of my imagination is relative to my emotional power.

My emotional power is relative to my mental authority.

For my manifesto to be made manifest requires the agreement of all three of my minds.

Aligning my sub-conscious, conscious & super-conscious mind accesses the supra-conscious mind of my Creator.

Being a Master Creator requires my alignment with my Creative Source.

When Me, My Self & I are all in agreement, we are at One with our Creation.

I connect to my Divine Creative Source with my imagination.

When I dream the dreams of my Soul, I put my Soul’s creative power into action.

I can have whatever is in alignment with my Creative Genius.