Open & Closed Questions

A Closed Question endorses a state of dual reality as it prompts a yes or no answer.

Yes or no is a statement of a personal perspective that either agrees of disagrees with a question.

Whether my view is positive or negative determines my yes or no answer, when I believe that something is either good or bad, right or wrong or acceptable or unacceptable.

A positive or negative polarity exists only within a duality of a dual reality existence.

To overcome the duality of a situation and expand my development, I am required to ask an open question.

An Open Question starts with the words: When; where; why; who; what; which; or how.

It opens the door to exploring the state of my existence and allows for me to shift into an alternative perspective and an improved state of being.

Who am I? Why am I here? & Where am I going? are three very powerful open questions.