Coaching Coaches

I Coach Coaches.

I do not train coaches.

Coaches are trained in the skills of coaching.

I do not supervise coaches.

Coaches are supervised to develop their skills.

I do not teach coaches.

I facilitate their learning.

I facilitate their learning how to grow & develop their qualities as a coach and the quality of their coaching ability.

The quality of my coaching ability is relative to my personal qualities as a coach.

My qualities as a coach are the qualities of my personal Beingness.

My Beingness is a matter of my personal attributes & attainments.

My attributes & attainments are the measure of my personal power & authority.

My personal power & authority determine the quality of my ability to coach.

My ability to coach effectively is relative to my confidence in my own authority and the power of my self-worth.

How much value I attribute to my Self and the confidence that I have attained is a measure of my ability to coach other coaches.