Three Levels Of Coaching

Level One Coaching realises objectives & intentions.

Level Two Coaching realises ability.

Level Three Coaching realises potential.

Objectives Coaching is objective.

Ability Coaching is subjective.

Potential Coaching is adjective.

Objective intentions require where I am and where I want to be.

Subjective ability requires emotional power & mental authority.

Adjective potential requires a pure frequency of thought and a pure wavelength of emotion.

Level one focuses on clarity & direction of conscious desires.

It transitions from unconscious to conscious incompetence.

It is mentoring based.

Level two focuses on the needs & beliefs of sub-conscious limitations.

It transitions from conscious incompetence to competence.

It is therapy based.

Level three focuses on the force & magnitude of super-conscious potential.

It transitions from conscious to unconscious competence.

It is inner guidance based.