Three Coaching Perspectives

Perspective One: This is the view of my sub-conscious mind.

“Where am I now?”

A perspective of where I am now is formed from my past experiences.

Experiences that have passed by in my reality form the basis of where I am right now.

It is my experiences & choices in the past that have brought me to where I am right now.

Perspective Two: This is the view of my super-conscious mind.

“Where do I choose to be?”

A perspective of where I want to be is formed in my imaginary future.

I create a view, of where I want to be, in my imagination.

It is my intuitive creative ability that drives my expansive future.

Perspective Three: This is the view of my conscious mind.

“How am I going to get there?”

This is my conscious strategy of how I will change my present circumstances in order to create what I choose to have.

It is who I choose to be and what I choose to do in order to fulfil my dream of an ideal life.

By bringing all three perspectives into alignment, I allow the future to unfold in each present moment of now.