The Skill of a Coach

The Skill of a Coach is not the accomplishment of coaching skills.

Anyone can be taught the skills of coaching.

Anyone can be taught to kick a ball, but it doesn’t make a skilful footballer.

The skill of a Coach is the ability to use their coaching skills well.

The ability of a Coach to use their coaching skills well is relative to their authority to ask great questions and their power to hear the client’s answer.

Anyone can ask a question and anyone can listen to the answer.

The skill of a Coach is to ask the question that allows the client to listen to what they are not hearing.

The Coach is a conduit through which the client hears their own answers that give them the clarity about where they are now and the direction in which to go in order to be where they choose to be.

Once the client is empowered on their path, they have no need of a strategy, they just follow their path.