A To Do List

A To Do List is a haven’t done list.

A haven’t done list is a have to list.

A have to list is a list of tolerations.

A toleration list is a list of have to’s.

A toleration is a problem that I am tolerating.

I never tolerate an opportunity.

A toleration list is a list of problems.

If it wasn’t a problem, it wouldn’t be on the list.

95% of my toleration list is not my problem.

I become problem-free by getting other people to own their own problems.

Other people’s problems do not belong on my to do list.

Without other people’s problems, my to do list becomes an action plan.

I do not list opportunities, I action them.

I am never inspired & empowered to make a list of opportunities.

I am inspired & empowered to take action.

I am empowered to do whatever inspires me.

A to do list is uninspiring & disempowering.

It may meet my need to achieve but it has no true value.