3 Choices

There are always 3 Choices in Life.

A choice is not an option. It is a choice.

An option means that I can opt for this choice or I can opt for that choice.

An option is a choice between one thing and another.

Duality and contrast allow different options.

In a dual reality world there are always 2 options.

An option is a choice, but one choice is not an option.

A choice is the realisation of what I focus my attention on.

At any moment in time, my attention is focusing on 3 choices.

  1. What I have
  2. What I am doing
  3. Who I am being

My physical consciousness is able to focus on one choice at a time.

My spiritual awareness is conscious of my 3 present choices at all times.

I always have 3 choices. Whether I am aware of my choices is dependent on my options.

I have an option to be aware or unaware of my choices.

I can choose to:

  1. Be physically conscious and have physical consciousness.
  2. Be emotionally aware and have emotional awareness.
  3. Be mentally consciously-aware and have Spiritual Conscious-Awareness.

When I choose both options, I automatically choose my 3rd Choice.

There are always 3 Choices in Life once I have overcome the dual reality of my options.