Being Need-Free

When I am being Need-Free, there is nothing that I need.

The only thing that I really ever need is emotional power.

With enough emotional power there is nothing else that I need.

I need enough emotional power to be free.

Providentially, emotional power is free.

Being free allows my self enough emotional power to be free.

Before I can be need-free, I am required to need less.

Needing less requires my self to consciously manage getting what I need to flow to my self effortlessly.

When I am being sub-consciously driven to get my emotional needs met, I will expend more energy in my endeavours than I will receive in return.

I remain the victim of my sub-conscious need for emotional power, unless I am the villain that steals it from other people.

When I see the value of what I need emotionally, I know my own needs and I feel the value of consciously getting them met my Self by doing exactly what has true value for me.

When I see only the true value of what is occurring in my life, I am need-free.