Being Limit-Free

Being Limit-Free means that my boundaries have no limit.

My boundaries are the limit of my comfort zone within which my emotional energy is secure.

They are a reflection of my own standards of behaviour based on my own principles, ethics and moral beliefs.

Boundaries are the standards of behaviour that I expect from other people.

They are formed by the limitations of my mental beliefs about life.

Beyond the boundaries of my comfort zone reside my fears.

Extending my boundaries allows me to become boundless and limitless.

Being boundless & limitless is my journey towards becoming unlimited and free.

Being limit-free requires that I am totally unaffected by or dependent on the actions and behaviour of other people.

I walk my path with sensitive detachment, totally unrestricted by the concerns and actions of others.

I know that I create my own reality irrespective of what anyone else thinks, says or does.

I am free of any limitations on my expansive journey through life.

Being limit-free means that there is no limit to what I can choose, experience or attain.