The Sensible Choice

Sensible is the mental state of being in tune with my senses.

With my five physical senses, I make sense of the physical world, in a sensible way. My sensibility to physical sensation determines how sensible I am. Relying on my five physical senses alone, is not entirely sensible.

I use my four sub-conscious senses in a naturally sensible way. My instinctive sense of balance, sense of temperature, kinaesthetic sense of motion and my emotional sense of power; all enable my actions to be more or less sensible, relative to whatever is occurring in my life.

What is most certainly sensible is the use of my three intuitive senses, in co-operation with my four instinctive senses and my five physical senses. Using all of my physical, instinctive & intuitive senses brings my conscious, sub-conscious and my super-conscious mind into mental alignment.

The most sensible choices that I make are both rational and emotional. They are the consequence of both my rational intellectual reasoning and my emotionally spiritual intuition.

Allowing my sub-conscious to react instinctively, is sensible when threatened with danger or risk but fight or flight is not always the sensible option in everyday life.

Ignoring, denying, suppressing or overriding what I intuitively see, know or feel to be a good choice, is in no way sensible. Intellectual reasoning may be deemed the most reasonable choice but, on its own, it is never the most sensible choice.

The sensible choice makes use of all the available information from all of my twelve senses.