The Realm Of Sovereign Dominion

The Realm of Sovereign Dominion is a State of Personal Choice, where the person makes their own choice, not the choice of a Sovereign State of the Realm.

A Realm is where the reality of an emotional thought is experienced. I personally experience reality in the:

  • Physical Corporeal Realm
  • Mental Astral Realm
  • Emotional Etheric Realm

Within my Realm, I am creatively empowered. I am the creator of the realm in which I exist.

Sovereignty is the authority of personal choice. In contrast to the imposed choice of an external sovereign authority. When my choice is internally authorised, I am my own sovereign entity. My authority is sovereign when it is an expression of my own genuine integrity. My entity has the authority of its own sovereignty. In essence my entity is sovereign and each and every individual entity is sovereign, when under the authority of its own choice.

Dominion is a Sphere of Influence. The authority of my sovereignty, with the power of my realm attracts everything within my Dominion. My dominion is the extent of my sovereign attraction through my own creative choice. It is the extent of my sovereignty within my own realm of existence.

  • Dominion is my Spiritual Ability
  • Sovereignty is my Spiritual Authority
  • Realm is my Spiritual Power

I have Dominion within the Realm of my own Authority.

Unless I choose by default to defer my power, authority & ability to the dominion of the sovereign realm of an external State Rule.