The Ego’s Choice

The Ego’s Choice is always what the ego believes is best for itself.

Even an unselfish ego that chooses what is best for another is doing so in the belief that it is also best for itself.

When the ego Self is aligned with its personal life vision and following its individual mission with a unique purpose, it is in alignment with its Soul Entity.

When the ego Self forgets its on a mission & loses its purpose for this life-time, it falls out of alignment with its true vision.

Disconnected from its Source Entity, the Soul, the ego will follow the choices of its sub-conscious id, which has been programmed by its peers and its own personal experience.

Although eternally guided by the Soul, the ego may be totally unawakened to its path.

It’s inner guidance system may stem from its sub-conscious id rather than its super-conscious Soul.

The ego always has choice: It has the choice to go all ways.

It can follow its id, follow its Soul or follow the false idol that is the ego choice of someone else.

Only my Soul knows the true path for my Self.

That is my ego’s choice.