The Authority Of Choice

The Authority Of Choice allows a choice of authority.

Choice is authorised.

Authority is chosen.

The authority that I have is my choice.

My choice determines my authority.

My choice of authority determines my authority of choice.

Authority is relative to choice as choice is relative to authority.

Knowing that I have a choice of authority can empower or disempower my Self.

When life happens to me, I follow other people’s choices & other people’s authority.

When life happens by me, I follow the choices of my ego & the authority of my will.

When life happens through me, I follow the choice of my Soul & the authority of I am.

The choice of my Self is best aligned with the choice of my Soul.

I am fully authorised when I allow the choice of my Soul to flow through me.

My authority of choice determines either the magnitude & potential or the intensity & polarity of my emotional power.

I can choose to be motivated by others, willed by my ego or empowered by my Soul.