The Golden Choice

The Golden Choice is to Be unto others as you choose others to be unto you.

This allows the Law of Attraction to flow beneficially into our personal reality, by choice.

Like energy is drawn unto itself either by choice or by default.

Other people are a reflection of the state of being that I am expressing.

To share a pure state of being with others requires me to express that state of being to others.

Expressing impure emotional states of being attracts opposing states of being emotional in others.

Attracting opposing expressions or genders of emotion is not always seen as attractive.

An emotional awareness of being in balance is required to make a golden choice.

Golden choice requires inner peace.

With inner conflict, duality ensues and the intensity of the dramas of opposing emotional genders.

Conflicting thoughts cause a polarity of perspective and disallow my golden choice.

In a dual reality world of conflict, we do unto others as others have done unto us, which only causes continued chaos & disaster.

In a triune reality of personal conscious-awareness every choice is golden.