One Attractive Question

‘When’ is a question of time.

The answer is ‘now’, there is no time like the present.

‘Where’ is a question of space.

Right ‘here’ is perfect right now.

‘Why’ is a question of clarity.

With clarity in the here & now, I am never lost.

‘What’ is a question of providence.

Providence always provides.

‘Which’ is a question of choice.

The more options I have, the less clarity I have.

‘Who’ is a question of emotional power.

The creative power of Attraction is emotion.

‘How’ is with the power of attraction.

Without attraction, the question is how?

With attraction, the how is irrelevant.

When ‘who’ is the character of a role that I play, it has no emotional power.

When who I am is a powerful state of being, it is very creatively attractive.

The One Attractive Question is: Who am I Being, here right now, clearly attracting my providence.