
Freedom is a choice. We all have choice but we are not all free. We are all free to choose, unless we are not.

When I deny my choice, I deny my freedom, which denies my freedom of choice. I only have freedom of choice when I know that I am free to choose. Choice is a problem when I do not know that I am free to choose. Knowing that I have choice is an intuitive knowing and in general, most people have blocked their intuitive sense of knowing. When I block my intuition, I also deny that I am free to choose because I just don’t know. My intuition knows that I have freedom of choice but my intellectual reasoning often tells me differently.

In the absence of my sense of intuition, my experience is that I am only free to make the same choices as everyone else. I am only free to make the choices that are authorised by people in authority. I believe that:

  • I am only free to choose what my religion considers to be morally good
    I am only free to choose what my philosophers have deemed to be ethical
    I am only free to choose what my parents determined was principally good for me
    I am only free to choose what my government has declared is legally right for me

I have been bound and tethered, from an early age, to the beliefs, morals, ethics, principles, rules & laws of the people who I believe to be in authority. I have acceded to the doctrine & dogma of the religious, ethnic culture of my family heritage. I believe that I am free to follow the dictates of the society into which I have been born to live or have chosen to give my allegiance to.

Society educates rational intellectual minds, without creative intuitive thought. My rational intellectual mind tells me that other people always know what is best for me. It is this rational logic that denies my choice. It is my intellectual reasoning that argues against a particular choice in favour of other people’s authority.

When I feel secure in the authority of other people, I have lost my freedom of choice. Without choice there is no freedom. When I am secure in my own freedom of choice, I have the authority to be free and the power to choose.

When I free my intuitive senses, I take back my freedom of choice with the authority of my intuitive Inner Teacher and I am no longer tied to the discipline of other people’s teachings.

Choice is free & secure when it is intuitively chosen.