The Distortions Of The Seven Rays

The Seven Rays of Aspect, which are divided by male & female gender, become distorted when further divided by positive & negative polarity. The rays are distorted by personal judgment to become either a negative male sin or a positive female virtue.

Overcoming judgment allows the perspective that sins are just male energy and virtues are just female energy; neither of which is a pure expression of our spiritual energy. Whether a ray of aspect is divided by gender or distorted by polarity, it remains out of alignment with our true identity. Suspending judgment allows the perspective of a unified gender with a true polarity.

The Seven Distortions are:

  1. Irrational mental fear causes the misinterpretation of a false reality. The sin is arrogant pride and the virtue is humble humility.
  2. Insensitive will power causes unreasonable emotional confusion. The sin is male envy and the virtue is female kindness.
  3. Wrong reasoning due to needy attachment causes chaotic painful traumas. The sin is male gluttony and the virtue is female poverty.
  4. Surrendered to conditional love, a loss of direction is caused by the disconnection from source authority. The sin is the desire of male lust and the virtue is the passion of female caring.
  5. Unrealised unconscious incompetence causes a frustration with other people’s inclusive dogma & doctrine. The sin is male selfish greed and the virtue is female unselfish pleasing.
  6. Loss of authentic expression causes a problem of depressed, unemotional, self denial. The male sin is angry wrath and the female virtue is patient meekness.
  7. Shaping disastrous, ignorant, boredom causes an absence of higher provision. The male sin is idle sloth and the female virtue is dutiful diligence.

All 7 distortions are the affect of misaligned mental opinions, beliefs or convictions and their resulting intensity of emotional needs. All of which are sub-consciously driven by our individual instinctive mental programming.

The purity of an Individual’s mental authority & emotional power, being ably expressed in physical reality, is relative to:

  • The presence of direction & clarity of a higher perspective relative to the absence of direction & the confusion of a lower perception.
  • A fear-free, pain-free & problem-free opportunity in contrast to a painful, fearful and problematic experience of life.
  • A beneficial, male, exclusive, rational, intellectual, detachment with other people as opposed to a detrimental, female, inclusive, irrational, intuitive, attachment to other people
  • A beneficial, female, sensitive, emotional, intuitive connection with source as opposed to a detrimental, male, insensitive, unemotional, intellectual, disconnection from source

The distortions of the Seven Rays are all an affect of personal choices that are made at either a conscious or a sub-conscious level, due to a false belief that they are personally beneficial for the ego sense of self.

The purity of a perceptive perspective is attained by purifying the distortions of our personal experiences. This is attained through an Individual’s uniquely intuitive higher intellect that can consciously change its own belief system and take responsibility for its own need for emotional power.