Caring & Uncaring

Just because I do not care doesn’t mean that I am uncaring.

Just because I am not patient doesn’t mean that I am impatient.

Just because I am not kind doesn’t mean that I am unkind.

A dual reality world can be seen as uncaring, impatient & unkind by those who need kind & patient care.

I am neither caring nor uncaring when I am being accepting of the opportunity being presented to another.

I am neither patient nor impatient when I am being allowing of another’s choice to follow their own path of experience.

I am neither kind nor unkind when I am being approving of who another is choosing to be.

With compassion & empathy, I am sensitively detached from their drama and able to let others receive their allowance as a gift to them.

With gratitude & appreciation, I can see the blessing of where they are and the gift that is being presented in each moment.

There is from my perspective but one spiritual need – the need to grow spiritually.