Three Caring Perspectives

A Conscious Perspective takes care of someone else’s physical needs. The carer can be either careful or careless but not carefree. They can be unemotional & rational but not irrational. They can be sympathetic but not apathetic.

A Sub-conscious Perspective cares about one’s own emotional needs. As the carer, I either care less because I need less or I care more because I need more. I am attached to what I need, so I am never care-free. I have an insensitive attachment to my own emotional need to be needed.

A Super-conscious Perspective cares for someone emotionally as well as physically. The carer is both care free and full of care. They are sensitive to the emotional needs of the patient, yet detached from the patient’s drama. This emotionally intelligent perspective has an awareness of being both rational & sensitive, without any inclusive attachment. When exclusively connected to their own source of emotional empathy & compassion, the carer is never irrational, insensitive, apathetic or aloof. An empathetic & compassionate carer is sensitive to both the physical & the emotional needs of their patient, without any attachment to their mental traumas or emotional dramas. With the care free perspective of a higher consciousness, caring is never a need, a bother, a toleration or a problem. It is an opportunity to freely care for another without any personal attachment or need to influence the patient’s outcome.

“The greatest gift that a carer can offer to their patient is to need them for nothing”