Sadness & Sorrow

Sadness is my own disconnection from my own happiness.

I can choose to be happy or sad; unless that is, I am too sad to be happy.

It is my extreme disconnection from my own natural happiness.

Sorrow is the experience of sharing someone else’s sadness.

When I am in sympathy with someone else’s negative state of being, I share their sorrow.

When I am sensitive to someone else’s negative emotion, I feel their sadness and I feel my sorrow for their sadness.

Sorrow is my experience of someone else’s disconnection from their own happiness.

It is the consequence of my emotional attachment to another.

With sensitive detachment, I have no need for sorrow.

With empathy rather than sympathy, there is no sorrow.

I never need to say sorry for my empathy because there is no sorrow.

I can be happy and show compassion or I can sympathise and show my sorrow.