Enforcing Boundaries

There is only one certain way of ensuring that my Boundaries are effective and that is with the Law of Attraction.

My Boundaries are the standards of behaviour of other people that I deem acceptable to me. When someone behaves in a way that I find intolerable or unacceptable, they are crossing or invading my Boundaries.

A boundary, the standard I find acceptable from others and a Personal Standard, which is my own acceptable standard can be the same or different. Problems arise when my boundaries are different and out of alignment with my standards. Unless I have clear personal standards and clear boundaries, I cannot clearly ensure that they are in alignment.

Aligning the personal standard of my behaviour with the boundary that I find acceptable, ensures that I positively receive that which I positively give out. When my positive standards align with my positive boundaries, there can only ever be a positive outcome.

This is why the Golden Rule is of primary importance. Having positive standards of behaviour towards others allows their positive behaviour to be reciprocal. Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you allows this to become a mutually beneficial experience.

The Law of Attraction states that like energy unto itself is drawn. This means that our standards dictate the effectiveness of our boundaries because what I give out, I will experience in return.

When my standard is to do no harm to other living Beings and my boundary declares it unacceptable to do harm to me, then my standard aligns with my boundary and no harm can befall me because I am attracting no harm to my Self. Only when I forgive others unconditionally am I unconditionally forgiven by all others.

When my standard is ‘an eye for an eye’ and justice, revenge & compensation for any harm done to me; and my boundary is ‘it is unacceptable to do harm to me’; then my standard is out of alignment with my boundary and I am open to receive other people’s revenge as my justice.

When my standard is to enforce my standards on to other people because I have no clear boundaries; then other people, who have no clear boundaries, will force their standards onto me. It is the Law and the Golden Rule. When I do unto others as they have done unto me, this becomes my standard and I have no effective boundary, to stop them doing unto me as I have done unto them. I cannot enforce my boundaries by forcing my standards onto other people.

With the Law of Attraction, no force is necessary. I neither need to enforce my boundaries, nor force my standards onto others. When my own standards are clearly in alignment with my own boundaries, the Law of Attraction is working for me automatically, in a mutually beneficial way. Attraction is the beneficial force that operates when standards & boundaries are in alignment.

Be aware that Attraction is also the repulsive and restrictive force, which is operating in a negative & detrimental way when personal standards are misaligned with personal boundaries.