Needs Must

Needs Must is a statement of belief.

It is a conscious belief that runs in my sub-conscious mind.

It reminds me constantly that emotional needs are important and I must get them met.

It is a belief that drives me to get my emotional needs met on a daily basis.

It can create a devil of a ride.

Needs are a ‘have to’ and can be a devil of a toleration when unmet.

An unmet need is a depleted emotional energy store.

I need to meet my need to restore my emotional energy.

Restoring emotional energy is a sub-conscious activity until I learn to reconnect consciously to my source of emotional power.

My ‘needs must’ then becomes my ‘values are’.

Values are really valuable when I am able to see the real value in what I need emotionally.

They allow me to see & experience the true value of my true values and the true value of life.