Being Really Human

Being Really Human is a personal choice.

“Am I really being human when I am being less than humane?”

“Is being inhuman a human quality?”

It is my experience that being inhuman is a human state of being that is not humane.

In general, we tend to see being inhumane as a human quality and we tend to see being inhuman as not a human quality.

Being inhuman is seen as being sub-human or belonging to a less evolved species of animal.

Being inhumane is seen as being a human being who chooses a less than beneficial state of being in relationship to other people or other creatures.

It appears that all human beings have a sense of what it means to be human but with a less than human understanding of what it actually is.

We all know intuitively what it means to be really human.

Unfortunately, we have mostly disconnected from our intuitive spiritual senses.