A Prime Attribute

A Prime Attribute is a state of being that allows me to lead my own life.

The quality of my leadership is determined by my prime attributes.

My leadership qualities are a measure of how well I lead my own life.

True Leadership does not need followers but will attract followers relative to the quality of the leadership attributes attained.

Leading others effectively requires the prime attributes of being sensitively detached from all followers.

The Prime Attributes of Leadership are to be authorised, empowered & enabled.

These are the essential qualities of a leader to lead their own life and follow their own journey.

We each have our own individual, unique & exclusive path in life.

It is not my journey to follow the path of another.

It is my mission to follow my own path and to allow all others to follow their paths.

Sensitive detachment allows me to be aware of the paths of others without any attachment to their dramas.

Following the Golden Rule, when I allow all others to follow their path they cause no obstacle or interference to mine.

It is not my path to get others to follow my example because when the example has merit others will automatically be attracted to it, as long as this is on their path.

The prime attributes of leadership are the same as the attributes that determine the quality of a Coach.

Leadership through Coaching is a Prime Attainment.