Searching For Happiness

Searching for Happiness is a personal statement of not being Happy. I do not need to search for what I already have.

We all have the potential to be happy, yet only a few people can fulfil that potential through choice. To choose to be happy, I first have to find it and when I do, I will be happy through choice.

  • Being happy through choice is a conscious choice of no longer being unhappy.
  • Being unhappy is not a conscious choice but it is a sub-conscious choice.
  • Being happy is a super-conscious choice

A super-conscious choice is made with a higher awareness than just physical consciousness. It requires emotional awareness.

Searching for happiness requires an awareness of where to look and how to see it, how to feel it and how to actually know it is happiness. It requires the ability to explore, discover & experience happiness intuitively.

“Intuition is the gateway to finding Happiness”

However, intuition is not always interpreted intelligently. To be happy with my intuitive choices requires a degree of emotional intelligence, as well as a degree of rational intellect. Together they allow the essence of happiness to flow as a personal experience.

When it comes to finding happiness, having a degree in the intelligence of a rational intellect is useless without the common sense of intuitive emotional awareness. Having a sensitive awareness of what makes me unhappy is equally as useless without rational intelligence, but it is the first step on a personal journey of experiencing happiness.